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At one time existed a civilization, which some consider myth, others consider very real, that held Excellence as the epitome of success - Atlantis. The Spartans were the ones who depicted the epitome of Human Excellence in the Physical, Mental and Emotional domains. We have had brilliance amongst many other groups, associations, armies, communities, who excelled in the face of crises and otherwise. Not to mention, the multitude of independent excellence seekers along the way!! They all Trained, trained hard on their skills Quality, Reliability, Dependability, Loyalty, Diligence, etc. were words that Spartans strived for and made a system of training. They were held as significant much beyond that time too! However, these have slowly been losing ground to these negatively inclined words such as mediocrity, normal, okay, ordinary, alright!! While some individuals, groups and teams, especially in Sports, continue to overawe human existence, life in general and professionals in particular, have allowed these qualities taking a severe beating!! So then, is mediocrity the order of the day?!! Well if you were to see the multitudes of living people moving along their daily lives as if in a stupor and every institution and organisation churning out hundreds more in the same mould, we should have reason to worry!!! Depending on the academic program they have undergone, it is estimated that between 75 to 90% of candidates are not employable, which is pretty startling, especially in India where more than 60% of the population is employable, at the beginning of their professional journey!! Skill Development is at the core to help change the facts here, however, it is much beyond completing the usual vocational courses done or the mandatory soft skills/life skills workshops that are logged in institutions to pretend they care. Skilling is serious business, if Success is a serious word!! We need to have managements of these academic institutions whether private or Government-run to take bold, meaningful steps above mere commercial engagements and run programs of value that truly benefit the students who are the End User, the reason why academic institutions are built!! The idea essentially is not for them to just be ready to make a living, but also to be ever ready to live a full life of purpose!! Thereafter this needs to extend to Organisations supporting and accelerating this cause! When that need to Excel becomes the paramount consideration, then miracles happen, changes in all walks of life and living transforms into amazing expressions of a life well-lived. The Success word doesn’t appear Scary anymore!! Skilling adequately makes the Success Journey enjoyable!!

It is time to recognise that all of us have this innate potential to be extraordinary, it just needs the most appropriate guidance, supported by professional training and mentoring that will see them through to living life to the fullest!! Each and every one of us is capable of this greatness!! It's time to move up and create this all around us!! Sqn Ldr Unni Nair Head Honcho EXCEL

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